Sunday, January 31, 2016

Interchange 2 (3rd Edition) - SB,WB,TB,Audio CD, Video

Interchange Third edition is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. The Interchange Third Edition Level 2 Student's Book builds on the foundations established in Level 1 for accurate and fluent communication, extending grammatical, lexical, and functional skills. Topics such as travel, childhood, customs, personality, and predicaments are presented in unique ways using interesting real-life information. Each Student's Book contains 16 teaching units, frequent progress checks that allow students to assess and monitor their own learning, and a listening self-study section. Included is a Student Audio CD that contains the conversation, pronunciation, and self-study sections from the Student's Book.

Student Book: Download Now
Workbook: Download Now
Teacher Book: Download Now
Audio CD: Download Now
Video: Download Now


  1. hello i can't open the file it is giving a password

  2. Yes exactly I need the password too

  3. Can you post Workbook again?

  4. Replies
    1. the student book is missed,too.
      what is found here is the teacher book for the second level.

  5. COULD YOU PLEASE POST THE WORKBOOK AGAIN ? And do you guys have the teacher's resource audio cd ? thank you so much !!!

  6. Hello, thanks for uploading these material, it is really helpful can you post the workbooks from the level 3 and 4 please?

  7. Good morning! I would appreciate a password to be able tu use the unñoaded material. Best regards, Zoltan Stern

  8. The teacher's book is from New Interchange collection (2nd edition). Could you post the 3rd edition, please? Thanks so much for the material!

    1. Buenas, disculpe sabe cual es la cosntraseña

  9. download the TB and video, and I need the password. Many thanks.

  10. download the TB and video,I need the password.

  11. Workbook: Download Now has link broken...
